
Drake was always considered one of the most powerful creatures on Atomix. Yet today, one strange thing happened. Drake couples were running away with appalling injuries on their bodies, blood dripping down all the way they passed. Realizing that this is not an ideal way to escape their enemies, the Husband decided to head in the opposite direction to create a distraction and save his Wife and Son. The Wife kept flying with the egg under its wing. Yet the egg started turning red and some small cracks appeared, indicating the baby's birth arrived. The female Drake had to wrestle with two thoughts, protecting her baby or saving her poor husband. After a while, she gently kissed on the egg and put it in the middle of the caldera with love and guilt, then came to rescue the husband. As time progressed, the baby Drake came out. He looked around but there was nothing except a tonal red. He did not even know who is he and where is he from.

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